
June 23, 2013

Handmade soap!

Today, a gentleman at Lowe's saved my afternoon. My mom called me a few hours before I was due to be heading her way to make soap only to ask if I could find some lye. You see, lye is needed to make soap and she could not find hers. So I loaded up the kids and took off to Home Depot, Wal-Mart, and Lowe's hoping someone would have lye so we could keep with the soap making. Well at the last place I finally found it and was able to call and brag to my mother. We ended up making technically 6 batches of soap but I am going to say 3 batches because we had to double the amount only because it seemed like one batch would not be enough. We made one batch with chopped rosemary, chopped mint, and spearmint essential oil, a second batch with peach ginseng tea, and one batch with lavender and vanilla. I am super excited to see how they turn out! It's a shame it takes a total of 4 weeks for them to set and be usable...

August 12, 2010

Its official.

So some crazy stuff has happened lately. I have a 2 year old and a 5 month old and my husband was, well, I guess I could say given a raise so I have been given the opportunity to stay home and take care of hubby and the kids. I have taken this as a chance to expand my homemade knowledge. I already can soups, stews, jams, and jellies as well as my recent addition: homemade chicken stock. I also made my first batch of homemade soap today as well and had a blast! I will expand more on this stuff later,  as my youngest is stirring :)